Tag Archives: transition

Transgender Things: The Cost of Being Yourself, Part 1: Name Changes

 A name change is important – you want to be yourself, and when you’re transgender, your name is a big, big part of it. This got brought up in a comment on my last post, so I thought I’d go into a bit of detail about the costs for a name change here where I live in the state of Pennsylvania.

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Transgender Things: Reporting Some Excellent News, For Once.

I’m a little late on the Trans Day of Visibility, since it was March 31, and it’s now a week later.  But I just recently got some very awesome information to show. 

I am a proud scion of the state of New Jersey, and on the Transgender Day of Visibility, the governor of the state, the inestimable Phillip Murphy, declared it in an executive order as a sanctuary state. This means that if you prescribe trans health care, then move to NJ, or you’ve moved to NJ from a transgender-hostile state that bans trans health care, they won’t lift a finger to help you get extradited.

In addition, about the same time, the state opened a site at https://transgender.nj.gov/ to give a central point for transgender people to get information on the laws, processes, and resources in New Jersey they can access.

This is incredibly good news, and there’s the possibility of crossing the river again. So we will see…

And now, a bit of music that may be a little relevant.

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Transitions: It’s been a while. And what a while it’s been.

I know it has. I haven’t posted in a few years.  And there are a lot of reasons.

  • A dearth of creative flow.
  • Mental health issues.
  • Letting myself believe writing wasn’t “that important”.

But at the end of the day, it was just me getting tired of dealing with myself.  And then the madness that was Life In The Time Of COVID-19 happened. Click to continue reading.