Character Sheet
Val | Char | Cost |
15 | STR | 5 |
25 | DEX | 12 |
23 | CON | 13 |
13 | BODY | 3 |
20 | INT | 10 |
18 | EGO | 8 |
30 | PRE | 5 |
4/18 | PD | 2 |
4/18 | ED | 2 |
4 | SPD | 20 |
8 | REC | 4 |
40 | END | 4 |
30 | STUN | 5 |
16m | RUN | 4 |
4m | SWIM | 0 |
4m | LEAP | 0 |
Characteristics Cost: 147
Cost | Power | END |
50 | Atlantean Energy Infusion: Multipower, 50-point reserve | |
2f | 1) Hand-To-Hand Setting: Hand-To-Hand Attack +5d6 (25 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Stun Only (-0) | 2 |
1f | 2) Low Blast: NND Blast 6d6 (30 Active Points); OIF Pistol (-1/2), Attack Versus Alternate Defense (ED FF; All Or Nothing; -1/2) | 3 |
3f | 3) Takedown Shot: Blast 10d6, STUN Only (+0) (50 Active Points); OIF Pistol (-1/2) | 5 |
3f | 4) Long-Term Effect: Drain STUN 5d6 (50 Active Points); OIF Pistol (-1/2) | 5 |
1 | Fighting Staff: (Total: 2 Active Cost, 1 Real Cost) Stretching 2m; OIF (-1/2) (Real Cost: 1) | 1 |
41 | Shadowy Protective Field: Force Field (14 PD/14 ED/6 Flash Defense: Sight Group) (51 Active Points); IIF (-1/4) | 0 |
7 | Disturbing Subsonic Vibrations: +15 PRE (15 Active Points); Linked (Shadowy Protective Field; -1/2), IIF (-1/4), Does not work against anyone with Hearing Flash Defence (-1/4) | |
12 | Reflex-Enhancement Field: +9 DEX (18 Active Points); Linked (Shadowy Protective Field; -1/2) | |
4 | IR Goggles: Infrared Perception (Sight Group) (5 Active Points); IIF (-1/4) | 0 |
7 | Attached Radio: Radio Perception/Transmission (Radio Group) (10 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) | 0 |
12 | Atlantean Physiology: Life Support (Immunity Viral Infections; Immunity: Bacterial Infections; Longevity: Immortal) | 0 |
17 | Line-Gun: Multipower, 25-point reserve, (25 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) | |
1f | 1) Swingline I: Swinging 20m, x4 Noncombat (15 Active Points) | 1 |
1f | 2) Swingline II: Leaping 20m (10 Active Points); Only To Carry User Upward (-1/2), Cannot Add Leaping From STR (-1/4), no Noncombat movement (-1/4) | 1 |
1f | 3) Winch: Telekinesis (10 STR) (15 Active Points); Only To Pull Objects Towards User (-1/2), Affects Whole Object (-1/4) | 1 |
12 | Utility Jacket: Multipower, 25-point reserve, (25 Active Points); all slots OAF (Jacket with multiple internal pockets, not accessible if removed, if arms restrained, or if somehow sealed closed) (-1) | |
1f | 1) Advanced Lockpick Set: Aid DEX 1d6, Can Add Maximum Of 10 Points (8 Active Points); OAF (-1), Only to enhance Lockpicking skill (Power loses about a third of its effectiveness) (-1/2) | 1 |
1f | 2) Crime Scene Kit: Aid INT 1d6, Can Add Maximum Of 10 Points (8 Active Points); OAF (-1), Only to increase skill rolls for crime scene and forensic analysis (Power loses about a third of its effectiveness) (-1/2) | 1 |
1f | 3) Mini-Camera: Eidetic Memory (5 Active Points); OAF (-1), Visual Images Only (-1/2) | |
1f | 4) Mini-recorder: Eidetic Memory (5 Active Points); OAF (-1), Sound Only (-1/2) | |
1f | 5) Flash Pellets: Sight Group Flash 2d6 (10 Active Points); OAF (-1), 6 Charges (-3/4), Range Based On Strength (-1/4) | [6] |
1f | 6) Rebreather: Life Support (Expanded Breathing: Breathe Underwater) (5 Active Points); OAF (-1), 1 Continuing Fuel Charge lasting 1 Hour (refueled through recharging system in base; -0) | [1 cc] |
1f | 7) Smoke Pellets: Darkness to Sight Group 2m radius (10 Active Points); OAF (-1), Range Based On Strength (-1/4), 8 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Turn each (removed by high winds or rain; -0) | [8 cc] |
1f | 8) Flashlight: Sight Group Images, +3 to PER Rolls (19 Active Points); OAF (-1), Only To Create Light (-1), 1 Continuing Fuel Charge lasting 1 Hour (refueled by recharging; -0) | [1 cc] |
Powers Cost: 183
Cost | Martial Arts Maneuver |
Weapon Elements | |
0 | Weapon Element: Clubs (Hand-to-Hand Maneuvers only) |
0 | Weapon Element: Pistols (Ranged Maneuvers only) |
Jeet Kune Do | |
4 | 1) Punch: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 5d6 Strike |
5 | 2) Defensive Strike: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +3 DCV, 3d6 Strike |
4 | 3) Dodge: 1/2 Phase, — OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort |
4 | 4) Choke Hold: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +0 DCV, Grab One Limb; 2d6 NND |
4 | 5) Nerve Strike: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, 2d6 NND |
3 | 6) Grab/Joint Lock: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Grab Two Limbs, 25 STR for holding on |
4 | 7) Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort |
5 | 8) Takeaway: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, Grab Weapon, 25 STR to take weapon away |
Gun-Fu | |
4 | 1) Basic Shot: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, Range +2, Strike, +2 DC; |
3 | 2) Defensive Shot: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +2 DCV, Range +0, Strike; |
5 | 3) Far Shot: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, -1 DCV, Range +4, Strike; |
5 | 4) Distance Shot: 1+1 Phase, +0 OCV, -2 DCV, Range +6, Strike , +1 Segment; |
Martial Arts Cost: 50
Cost | Skill |
20 | +2 with All Combat |
4 | +2 with Defensive Strike |
6 | Penalty Skill Levels: +2 vs. Range Modifier with All Attacks |
3 | AK: City of Boston 13- |
3 | Acrobatics 14- |
5 | Acting 16- |
3 | Breakfall 14- |
4 | Computer Programming (Hacking and Computer Security, Personal Computers) 13- |
5 | Criminology 14- |
5 | Deduction 14- |
3 | Demolitions 13- |
3 | Disguise 13- |
3 | Electronics 13- |
3 | Interrogation 15- |
3 | KS: Jeet Kune Do (Jun Fan Kung Fu) 13- |
3 | KS: Superheroes of the Northeast US 13- |
5 | Language: Russian (idiomatic; literate) |
1 | Language: Tagalog (basic conversation) |
1 | Language: Volapuk (basic conversation, only a written language) |
3 | Lockpicking 14- |
3 | Mechanics 13- |
5 | Paramedics 14- |
5 | Security Systems 14- |
5 | Shadowing 14- |
3 | Stealth 14- |
3 | Streetwise 15- |
2 | Survival (Urban) 13- |
2 | TF: Small Motorized Ground Vehicles, Small Planes |
3 | Teamwork 14- |
3 | Tracking 13- |
Skills Cost: 120
Cost | Perk |
4 | Money: Well Off |
2 | Deep Cover (Marishka Petrovskaya) |
2 | Contact: Fyodor Kuznetsov (Contact has useful Skills or resources, Contact limited by identity) 11- |
9 | Vehicles & Bases |
1 | Reputation: Dark Vigilante (A small to medium sized group) 11-, +1/+1d6 |
Perks Cost: 18
Cost | Talent |
1 | Ambidexterity (-2 Off Hand penalty); |
2 | Lightning Reflexes: +2 DEX to act first with All Actions |
Talents Cost: 3
Total Character Cost: 515
Val | Disadvantages |
20 | Psychological Limitation: Will Not Kill (Common; Total) |
15 | Social Limitation: Secret ID (Frequently; Major) |
20 | Dependent NPC: Mother 8- (Incompetent) |
20 | Hunted: Campaign Hunted 11- (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish) |
Cool Stuff Points: II |
Disadvantage Points: 75
Base Points: 400
Experience Required: 121
Total Experience Available: 121
Experience Unspent: 0

Mellisa Flanagan has always known there’s been some dark secret in her family. When she turned 13, she was looking for presents, she found the secret.
She discovered that she was the granddaughter of one of America’s greatest heroes… and villains, The Cloak. His hat, his cape, his costume, all of it, stuck in a trunk in the attic. She confronted her mother, who admitted they had been left behind with her mother.
The elder Ms. Flanagan also pulled out something she’d kept under her bed: a forcefield vest and a pair of guns. One of the guns was broken, but the other worked fine.
Mellisa had always wanted to be a superhero. She thought it would be cool. She’d taken martial arts lessons, learned gymnastics, all the things she thought a super-hero could be. She wasn’t superpowered, but there were heroes out there that were just talented! Her grandmother, rich and a little dotty, was happy to indulge her granddaughter in these things. After all, Grandmama always said, someone should try to redeem the family name! So, enabled by her Grandmother, she started doing more. She taught herself enough electronics to maintain the gun, and she’s trying to figure out what’s broken with the other one.
Taking the superhero name of “the Night”, she joined a team that had gathered on the roof of her high school after an attack there, and the team, who became known as Vigilance, discovered the source of the attack: a botched magical ritual to resurrect a murdered girl, but that had brought her back as a half-human, half elemental. This got them caught up in a plot against the superhero Partacel, which the Night helped stop by diverting one of the missiles sent to destroy him.
She dropped out of high school to find her father, who appeared in her life briefly, then was taken away by Russian agents at Logan Airport. She returned from Russia with her fighting skills sharpened, her abilities (granted when the gun was damaged and she was affected by the Atlantean technology within) focused through training, an excellent grasp of Russian, a smattering of Tagalog, a fake Russian passport, and a deep appreciation for the American system of vaccination.
When she got home, her grandmother had passed away. Mellisa recreated her costume for a newer version, updated her gun, restocked her gadgets… and the Night patrols Boston again.
Personality/Motivation: Mellisa is a thrill seeker at heart, but at least her heart’s in the right place. She wants to be a superhero, and now she’s living her dream.

- Prime Mover, Rush
A song about, well, life, and rolling with it. - D.I.Y., Peter Gabriel
A song about doing it yourself. - Army of Me, Bjork
A song about standing up for yourself, sometimes getting a kick in the ass to do so. - Mission: Impossible Theme
Seriously, do I have to suggest what this one is about? - Battle without Honor or Humanity, Tomoyasu Hotei
Mood Music: walking into the place like you own it and making sure everyone else know it too. - The Immigrant Song (the version by Karen O, Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross)
Another mood song. - Subdivisions,Rush
Sometimes, no matter how you try, you just don’t quite fit in. - Time Stand Still, Rush
The world keeps going, no matter how much you want to stop it. Sometimes, you need to take a moment, take a breath, and catch up. - The next two songs are for the superhero team she’s (at least nominally) part of, Vigilance. The first one is when they started, as high school students, with a desire to help city they live in and right some wrongs. The second is after a few years, when they’re older, wiser, more experienced, and understand it’s not just going to become a better tomorrow, they need to stand up and fight for it.
- This Will Be The Day, Jeff Williams feat. Casey Lee Williams
They see you as small and helpless
They see you as just a child
surprise when they find out that a warrior will soon run wild…
A song about who you really are and why you fight.
- This Will Be The Day, Jeff Williams feat. Casey Lee Williams
- Hold Your Ground, Cavo
Stand up and hold your ground
And sometimes, you need to tell the world to get the hell out of your way because they’ve screwed it up and now you’re going to fix it, with or without their help.
Face the ending
We’ll burn this whole world down
Build a new beginning now
This fire keeps getting closer
Draw the line we’re crossing over
We’ll burn this whole world down
Build a new beginning now
- Hold Your Ground, Cavo
- Taking A Stand, Henry Jackman, Captain America: The Winter Soldier soundtrack
When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world:
“No. You move.”

Homecoming: The Last Day of Traveling | Homecoming |
Case File: Amanda Mulligan | Street Cleaning |
Talking About Baseball. | Retaliation |